MPSC Skeletal Systems(अस्थि संस्था)-MPSC Biology science notes

Skeletal Systems(अस्थि संस्था)

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Skeletal Systems(अस्थि संस्था )

Introduction of Skeletal Systems


By Shubham Vyawahare

➤The Science Related with the study of Bones is the Osteology.
➤There are different types of bones and different types of pair present in human structure.
➤Types of bones are long, short, flat and irregular.
➤ the adult human body has 206 Bones in his Body.
➤ the baby body has 270 bones in his body(Letter that bones got joined with each other so count decreases).

✪ Bones Found in Hand ✪

➤ Humerus
➤ Phalanges. The 14 bones that are found in the fingers of each hand and also in the toes of each foot. Each finger has 3 phalanges (the distal, middle, and proximal); the thumb only has 2.
➤Metacarpal bones. The 5 bones that compose the middle part of the hand.
➤Carpal bones. The 8 bones that create the wrist. The 2 rows of carpal bones are connected to 2 bones of the arm--the ulna bone and the radius bone.

✪ Bones Found In Legs ✪

➤ femur-Srongest Bone in the human Body
➤ Fibula-small in size
➤ Tibia-large in size
➤ there are 12 bones in base legs - Tarasals-7 , Metatarsal-5
➤ Phalanges -14 (In legs Figure )

✪ Vertebral Column (मनका) ✪

➤ There are 33 Bones in the Vertebral Column
➤ Cervical(मान )-7
➤ Thoracic(छाती )-12
➤ Lumber(कंबर )-5
➤ Sacral(त्रिकास्थी)-
➤ Coccyx(माकड हाड )-4

There are 22 Ribs Bones in human body.

Bones in ear
➤Stapes-Shortest Bone in a Body.
➤ Incus.

✪ Joint And Its Types ✪

➤ there are 3 types of joints.
➤1.Fibrous joints- This is a Fixed joints and known as a immovable joints and they are present where bones are not flexible. Eg-rib cage, backbone
➤2.Cartilaginous Joints-Cartilaginous joints are partly movable joints. Eg- spinal column and the ribcage.
➤3.Synovial Joints-he synovial joints are the most common type of joint because this joint helps us to perform a wide range of motion such as walking, running, typing and more. Synovial joints are flexible, movable, can slide over one another, rotatable and so on

✪ Important Points ✪

➤ FeMur-Longest Bone.
➤ Stapes-Shortest Bone.
➤ Calcium In Body -90 % and Phosphate- 60%.
➤Liquid Found in a body-Synovial Fluid
➤ RBC Generates in Bone marrow

✪ Bone diseases ✪

➤ Osteogenesis.
➤ Multiple myeloma.
➤ Curvature of the spine.
➤Aplastic anemia
➤ Rickets
➤ Arthritis
➤ Joint disease
➤ Osteomyelitis

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