MPSC Blood Groups and its Diseases(रक्तागट व रक्तगटाचे रोग)-MPSC Biology science notes

Blood Groups and its Diseases(रक्तागट व रक्तगटाचे रोग)

Table Of Contain-Mpsc Blood Groups and its Diseases(रक्तागट व रक्तगटाचे रोग)

  1. Introduction of Blood Groups and its Diseases
  2. Antigens
  3. Antibody
  4. Rh Factor
  5. BloodGroups
    1. ABO Blood Group
      1. A BloodGroup
      2. BloodGropu
      3. AB BloodGroup
      4. O BloodGroup
    2. Rh Blood Group
  6. Blood Transfusion
  7. MPSC Biology Notes

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Blood Groups and its Diseases(रक्तागट व रक्तगटाचे रोग)

Intro of Blood Groups and its Diseases


By Shubham Vyawahare

➤ Bloods Groups are the type of blood found in a human body.
➤ They Are Separated on the basis of antigens and antibody.

✪ Antigens ✪

➤ A Substance which enters the human body and it can harm our body.
➤ Generally, two main parts of an antigen are recognized: foreign antigen (or heteroantigen) and self antigen (or self antigen).
➤ The antigen that induces an immune response (ie, stimulates lymphocytes to produce antibodies or directly attacks the antigen) is called an immunogen.

✪ Antibody ✪

➤ AntyBodies are the substances which defend our body from the attack of antigens.
➤Antibodies, also known as immunoglobulins, are large Y-shaped proteins mainly produced by plasma cells and used by the immune system to neutralize pathogens, such as pathogenic bacteria and viruses.Antibodies, also known as immunoglobulins, are large Y-shaped proteins mainly produced by plasma cells and used by the immune system to neutralize pathogens, such as pathogenic bacteria and viruses..
➤A protective protein produced by the immune system against the presence of foreign bodies, called an antigen.
➤The mature B cells, called plasma cells, secrete millions of antibodies into the bloodstream and lymphatic system..

✪ Rh Factor ✪

➤ Rhesus monkey (Rh) factor is a genetic protein found on the surface of red blood cells.
➤First Time found on a Rhesus Monkey.
➤If your blood contains protein, it means Rh is positive. If you lack protein in your blood, your Rh is negative.
➤ This is D Antigen Presence On RBC.

➤ In the World there are 85% peoples are RH+ and In india there are almost 95% Peoples are RH+.
➤ Malaria is another infectious disease that is endemic to Africa.
➤Varicella, more commonly known as chickenpox in the UK.
➤ Example:Chagas Disease,Malaria,African Sleeping Sickness

Blood Groups

ABO Blood Group
➤There are some Blood Groups On the basis of Blood Content present in a Body.
➤ This ABO Blood Group Was discovered by a Karl Landsteiner.
➤ This group contain a AG antigen and Plasma AB as a antibody on RBC cell.

✪ A Blood Group ✪
➤ A Antigen Found.
➤ b Anybody Present
➤ Same Antigen ,Antibody Never Present together.

✪ B Blood Group ✪ :
➤ B Antigen Found.
➤ a Anybody Present
➤ Same Antigen ,Antibody Never Present together.

✪ AB BloodGroup ✪

➤ AB Antigen Found.
➤ No Any Anybody Present
➤ Same Antigen ,Antibody Never Present together.

✪ O BloodGroup ✪

➤ No Antigen Found.
➤ ab Anybody Present
➤ Same Antigen ,Antibody Never Present together.

✪ Rh BloodGroup ✪
➤ A blood With D Antigen
➤ If this Anitgen found then that group is +Ve and if not then Its -Ve.

BloodGroup AntiGen AntiBody
A +ve A,D b
B +ve B,D a
AB +ve A,,B,D Not Found
O +ve D ab

✪ Blood Transfusion ✪

➤ This is process of transferring Blood from one body to another.
➤Table will describe this concept in details.

BloodGroup AntiGen Can Give to Can take From
A +Ve A D A +Ve, AB+Ve A+Ve, A-Ve, o+Ve, o-Ve
A -Ve A +Ve A+Ve, A-Ve, AB+Ve, AB-Ve A -Ve
B +Ve B D B -VeAB+Ve B+Ve, B-Ve, O+Ve, O-Ve
B -Ve B B+Ve, B-Ve, AB+Ve, AB-Ve B -Veo-Ve
AB+Ve A B D AB+Ve Universal Accepter
AB-Ve A B AB+Ve, AB-Ve A-Ve, B-Ve, AB-Ve, O-Ve
O+Ve D A+Ve, B+Ve, AB+Ve, O+Ve O+Ve, O-Ve
O-Ve No Antigen Universal Donor O-Ve

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